I've had quite a rough couple of months with restarting work and stopping anti-convulsants which were making me really ill but I'm back!
I've got completely addicted to reading the 'Outlander' series by Diana Gabeldon. This is the best series of books I've ever read. I finished the last one I have (snow and ashes) and have started reading them from the beginning again while I wait for Echo in the Bone to arrive (hopefully next week). I just adore the characterisation and story lines. Sparky is getting used to being called 'me wee cheetie' slowly (funnily enough I had a Scottish Aunty who used to call cats 'cheeties').
I've managed to do a bit of spinning again but nothing really to show for it. It was just so lovely to sit and spin again. Its so soothing and meditative. A lovely friend in the US managed to acquire some Hello Yarn 'Thrive' which I've been lusting after so its next on the wheel:

I finished my Bent Creek Blackbird Sampler and have started Awake the Dawning Day by Blackbird Designs. I've almost finished the house and just about to start the vines and flowers:

I seemed to have acquired loads of cross stitch charts since Xmas, some already kitted up and ready to go!
The ones on my urgent to do list for 2010 are:
Angel Cat by La d Da. I'm going to do this in a deep vivid ginger colour in honour of the dearly departed Oskar J Cat:

Bittersweet Moon:

When you see this by Blackbird Designs:

I also was lucky enough to get £30 in vouchers from www.thread-bear.co.uk so have also ordered more charts and some threads. The charts I've bought are
Mocking Bird,
Garden Angel and
Delivering Posies.
And I may have got carried away today to buy the new chart from Tralala!! called
à la belle étoile. My present to myself for having the mother of all migraines today:
and also Morning Bird from Plum Street Samplers and the threads to make it.

So I think I may have more than enough to be getting on with at present.
Luke had a wonderful Xmas and 2 weeks off. He is growing like a weed and is very content and amusing at present. The animals also seemed to have a good time. Photos to follow.