I've got completely addicted to reading the 'Outlander' series by Diana Gabeldon. This is the best series of books I've ever read. I finished the last one I have (snow and ashes) and have started reading them from the beginning again while I wait for Echo in the Bone to arrive (hopefully next week). I just adore the characterisation and story lines. Sparky is getting used to being called 'me wee cheetie' slowly (funnily enough I had a Scottish Aunty who used to call cats 'cheeties').
I've managed to do a bit of spinning again but nothing really to show for it. It was just so lovely to sit and spin again. Its so soothing and meditative. A lovely friend in the US managed to acquire some Hello Yarn 'Thrive' which I've been lusting after so its next on the wheel:

I finished my Bent Creek Blackbird Sampler and have started Awake the Dawning Day by Blackbird Designs. I've almost finished the house and just about to start the vines and flowers:

I seemed to have acquired loads of cross stitch charts since Xmas, some already kitted up and ready to go!
The ones on my urgent to do list for 2010 are:
Angel Cat by La d Da. I'm going to do this in a deep vivid ginger colour in honour of the dearly departed Oskar J Cat:

Bittersweet Moon:

When you see this by Blackbird Designs:

I also was lucky enough to get £30 in vouchers from www.thread-bear.co.uk so have also ordered more charts and some threads. The charts I've bought are Mocking Bird, Garden Angel and Delivering Posies.
And I may have got carried away today to buy the new chart from Tralala!! called à la belle étoile. My present to myself for having the mother of all migraines today:

and also Morning Bird from Plum Street Samplers and the threads to make it.

So I think I may have more than enough to be getting on with at present.
Luke had a wonderful Xmas and 2 weeks off. He is growing like a weed and is very content and amusing at present. The animals also seemed to have a good time. Photos to follow.
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