So I'm going to have to put my sunglasses on and go and pick him up looking like death warmed up. I'm sure some of the other Mums think I am an alcoholic as I look so awful sometimes ... and I've been know to be sick in the hedge on the way out of school. How embarassing is that?
My fab mother in law came over at some point during the morning and took Rosie out for a walk - I only know this because she was very wet when I finally came downstairs so had obviously been taken out for a swim somewhere. That woman is a saint, I tell ya.
I bought this lovely roving from Spindlefrog. I managed to do some dyeing on Tuesday and one of the ones I dyed was some lemon yellow to ply this with. I also dyed some pale blue to ply the birds egg coloured one I am currently spinning. I adore this new one tho. It is just so vibrant.