Wednesday, 25 February 2009
I'm in shock. I went to the dentist to get my troublesome molar fixed, knowing it needs a root canal. The dentist couldn't complete it today as, despite using the maximum dose of anaesthetic, couldn't get near the roots without sending me into orbit. The roots are just so inflamed and tender. So she put a dressing and temporary filling in and I made another appt for 6 weeks time. I also paid half of the bill . . . which came to £180. I almost passed out when she said that. Wish I'd asked how much it would be just to pull the damm thing out. Thank god for credit cards and jobs.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009

I've started spinning up this lovely merino from Shunklies on Etsy. I've had it for ages but I think the thought of doing the whole 8oz very finely was putting me off starting. Its like candy floss and lovely to spin.

I'm taking Luke to see Horrible History's WWI and WWII live on stage tonight. He is really looking forward to it. He is doing WWII at school. He is very impressed that Grandma's house was bombed when she was a baby in London and that he was able to take a photo of bombed house to school.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Is is cruel to be trying to work out the micron count of Sparky's fur? I've been doing some blind testing. Molly, our other cat, is more of a Romney but she was a wild cat so I'll let her off. Mr Sparkles, however, is a Ragdoll and moults like a moulty thing. I reckon he is on a par with baby alpaca. Definately softer/ finer than 19 micron merino but not quite angora I don't think.
I've been spinning some 'art yarn'. Dark green thick and thin plyed with bright green twists and bobble overspun bits. Quite impressed with it but really don't think I could do a whole 8 oz like this. would like me sometime into the next millenium.
Photos to follow when washed and whacked.
Thank goodness for Vitamin penicillin. Feeling so much better today. People must have really really suffered unbearably in the days before antibiotics were discovered. Makes me shudder to think. I have an old medical textbook from 1912 and its a real eye opener, especially some of the early cancer treatments.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
this is a cowl I've made out of the handspun baby alpaca I got from etsy. Its really soft and yummy. I may put a ribbon through the eyelets at each end.
Just been back to Doctor, who said 'oh, god ...' when she saw me. So I didn't have to explain that I wasn't feeling too hot.
She's given me some more antibiotics for my tooth abscess and I have to go back tomorrow to have ECG and blood test to rule out endocarditis. Just what I don't need at the moment. And my ferritin is low again so back on the lovely iron tablets again. So I'm going to have another sick day from work. At least its not with a migraine this time ...
Monday, 16 February 2009

I'm lying in bed eating Pineapple Lumps, thanks to a timely emergency parcel received with thanks from Lynette. Mike generously gave me his virus for a Valentine's Day present so, on top of my infected tooth, I'm not feeling too great and have spent the day in bed.
And I'm pissed off because I managed to lose 6kg of my anti convulsant weight over the past 5 weeks by eating very carefully with no sweets or chocolate- and managed to put on 1.5kg over the last week, despite being ill and eating less. Hence scoffing Pineapple Lumps to cheer myself up ;0).
Luke is all snuffly so think he's going down with it too. We were going to take him to London tomorrow for a half term holiday treat but he is not feeling up to it.
I decided to get the gold merino/ silk to ply with my turquoise fibre so just waiting for that to arrive. Not been up to spinning today to still haven't finished the turquoise. Its taking ages. Not sure whether its the mix or cause its so finely spun. Mixture of both I think.
I managed to snag some Pigeonroof Studios roving from someone having a destash of Ravelry so can't wait to spin this baby. Its superwash BFL:

Thursday, 12 February 2009
I am being very indecisive about what to spin next. I have half a bobbin of lovely Tahiti coloured Merino, Soy & Bamboo Roving already spun and could spin the other 50g of that.

I can't decide whether to spin the rest on another bobbin and ply it with itself or get something else to ply with it.
P&M sell some lovely gold merino/ silk so I'm thinking I may get some of that to ply with it .....

so will probably spin something else in the meantime. Like this merino from All Spun Up

I'm going to try to get 400m out of 4oz so I can make socks out of this too. Saying that, I actually like thick socks so maybe I should spin it thicker and ply with something else. Now I'm never going to get this one spun either while I ruminate.
I've made a test skein with my chocolate alpaca half two ply and half navajo plyed so need to wash and inspect it before I do any more. Really don't know whether I have it in me to hand card a whole bin bag of alpaca though.
We learning how to wash fleece at Spinning Guild on Saturday so that should be fun.

I can't decide whether to spin the rest on another bobbin and ply it with itself or get something else to ply with it.
P&M sell some lovely gold merino/ silk so I'm thinking I may get some of that to ply with it .....

so will probably spin something else in the meantime. Like this merino from All Spun Up

I'm going to try to get 400m out of 4oz so I can make socks out of this too. Saying that, I actually like thick socks so maybe I should spin it thicker and ply with something else. Now I'm never going to get this one spun either while I ruminate.
I've made a test skein with my chocolate alpaca half two ply and half navajo plyed so need to wash and inspect it before I do any more. Really don't know whether I have it in me to hand card a whole bin bag of alpaca though.
We learning how to wash fleece at Spinning Guild on Saturday so that should be fun.
Monday, 9 February 2009
I finally got my latest yarn plyed tonight. Really pleased with the yardage (about 540 yds/ 8oz) but think plying it with ecru BFL has toned the lovely intense colours down a bit too much. Still, it going to make me lovely socks:

went to GP this morning - she can't find any reason why I keep passing out so think my heart has just logged off for a moment or two. So I went to work and did OK.
The weather has turned really cold tonight so central heating is all fired up.
went to GP this morning - she can't find any reason why I keep passing out so think my heart has just logged off for a moment or two. So I went to work and did OK.
The weather has turned really cold tonight so central heating is all fired up.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
I managed to scare the life out of Mike yesterday morning by turning blue and passing out for a good minute. I'd already told him I wasn't feeling too great so he'll sure take notice next time I say that lol.
I spent the rest of the day in bed in case I fell over again but have been fine today.
Think it was another vasovagal attack. Really can't be bothered going to the Dr unless it happens more often as I'm sure they won't be very interested.
Worst thing about it is that I haven't finished plying the Plum Possum with ecru BFL. It seems to be taking forever but at least it gives me time to decide what to spin next. I'm using
Luke had another day off school Friday and had a wonderful time round at grandma's with his cousins making an ice fort. The poor dog was exhausted when she came home.
Luke then spent the weekend sleeping over at his cousins house. His best friend lives almost next door to them and he had the most fantastic weekend. It so lovely to see his little 9 yr old face so happy and full of enjoyment. He is the best days work I've ever done.
Its snowing a bit now but is supposed to really snow again tomorrow night.
I spent the rest of the day in bed in case I fell over again but have been fine today.
Think it was another vasovagal attack. Really can't be bothered going to the Dr unless it happens more often as I'm sure they won't be very interested.
Worst thing about it is that I haven't finished plying the Plum Possum with ecru BFL. It seems to be taking forever but at least it gives me time to decide what to spin next. I'm using
Luke had another day off school Friday and had a wonderful time round at grandma's with his cousins making an ice fort. The poor dog was exhausted when she came home.
Luke then spent the weekend sleeping over at his cousins house. His best friend lives almost next door to them and he had the most fantastic weekend. It so lovely to see his little 9 yr old face so happy and full of enjoyment. He is the best days work I've ever done.
Its snowing a bit now but is supposed to really snow again tomorrow night.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
I'm knitting up some handspun baby alpaca at the moment into a cowl. I bought it last May off Etsy (where else?) and it took a whole EIGHT months to arrive, despite being posted the day I bought it. Its lovely and soft:

Its a bit duller in colour in real life but still gorgeous. I started doing a lacy patterned cowl but made a mistake about 2 inches in so frogged it and have just done plain stocking stitch with a garter stitch/ eyelets/ garter stitch border. Its soothing mindless knitting which helps me avoid finish plying Plum Possum with some ecru BFL. For some reason the bobbin is slipping and I can't be bothered trying to find out why at the moment so it awaits me.
I've just ordered some of this beauty from Frecklefacefibers. It merino and looked very icy/ wintery:

We had lots of snow (for us anyway) overnight so Luke got his wish and school was closed today. We didn't find out until 8am when we were already up and dressed ready to take Rosie out path making to get him to school! He is desperately hoping school will be closed tomorrow too so is booked into Grandma 's just in case. The country has almost run out of salt and grit for the roads so it should be interesting getting to work tomorrow.
Luke had a fabulous time making snow forts in the garden and Rosie ate her own body weight in snow (at last, a low calorie labrador food!). We had lots of birds at the bird feeders, including a robin who was at maximum puff to keep himself warm. They are hard little ratbags. He was chasing off everything else until he'd finished his breakfast. We saw blackbirds (pair who live in next doors hedge), starlings, sparrows, chaffinches, one big fat pigeon and another type whose name escapes me.

Its a bit duller in colour in real life but still gorgeous. I started doing a lacy patterned cowl but made a mistake about 2 inches in so frogged it and have just done plain stocking stitch with a garter stitch/ eyelets/ garter stitch border. Its soothing mindless knitting which helps me avoid finish plying Plum Possum with some ecru BFL. For some reason the bobbin is slipping and I can't be bothered trying to find out why at the moment so it awaits me.
I've just ordered some of this beauty from Frecklefacefibers. It merino and looked very icy/ wintery:

We had lots of snow (for us anyway) overnight so Luke got his wish and school was closed today. We didn't find out until 8am when we were already up and dressed ready to take Rosie out path making to get him to school! He is desperately hoping school will be closed tomorrow too so is booked into Grandma 's just in case. The country has almost run out of salt and grit for the roads so it should be interesting getting to work tomorrow.
Luke had a fabulous time making snow forts in the garden and Rosie ate her own body weight in snow (at last, a low calorie labrador food!). We had lots of birds at the bird feeders, including a robin who was at maximum puff to keep himself warm. They are hard little ratbags. He was chasing off everything else until he'd finished his breakfast. We saw blackbirds (pair who live in next doors hedge), starlings, sparrows, chaffinches, one big fat pigeon and another type whose name escapes me.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
I actually made it back to work today. I was SO nervous! Two colleagues couldn't make it to work because of the snow we've been having so instead of reading protocols etc like I thought I would be doing, I was right in cannulating, giving chemotherapy, venesecting etc. It felt really good but I am so exhausted and I was only there for 3 hours.
It was really nice to see everyone and patients I've known for years. So not so worried anymore.
Its supposed to snow really badly again tonight so Luke had all his fingers crossed that school will be closed tomorrow.
I've managed to get two weeks annual leave over the summer (the first two weeks of Luke's school holidays) so if the weather is good (please g*d) we can go camping or something.
It was really nice to see everyone and patients I've known for years. So not so worried anymore.
Its supposed to snow really badly again tonight so Luke had all his fingers crossed that school will be closed tomorrow.
I've managed to get two weeks annual leave over the summer (the first two weeks of Luke's school holidays) so if the weather is good (please g*d) we can go camping or something.
Monday, 2 February 2009
I've been feeling really low this week which is not like me, worrying about going back to work I think - and then this was delivered which really cheered me up from one of my bestest friends who lives in Tahiti (merci beaucoup Maeva!).

Its been really snowing here today. Mike spent 8 hrs trying to get to Gatwick Airport and had to come home. He is going to try to get to Ireland tomorrow for work. I was supposed to start work with a study day tomorrow but thats been cancelled as so many people can't make it so I'm starting Wednesday morning instead.
Luke, Rosie and Sparky have all been out enjoying the snow.

I spent the day spinning. I've started the lovely Plum Possum from FatCatKnits. I needed something which was a beautiful colour and I could just enjoy spinning. Its lovely. and still matches the cat.

I'm also pissed off because I really want to do some further studies, either in Literature or Anthropology. I'd love to do this course here but because its distance learning I can't get a Government loan to pay for it. I can't guarantee I'll ever be well enough to commit to a 3 yr course I have to drive to because of my fecking migraines ... saying that, I've only got another few modules to do to complete a degree from the Open University so I'll have to look into that again.
I just feel so demotivated at the moment. Everything is such an uphill struggle and its just going to be so humiliating if I get back to work and then have to go off sick again.
But I'm fed up with wallowing now so I'm gonna pop on over to Kiva and see if I can plan to give some loans once I get paid at end of February
Its been really snowing here today. Mike spent 8 hrs trying to get to Gatwick Airport and had to come home. He is going to try to get to Ireland tomorrow for work. I was supposed to start work with a study day tomorrow but thats been cancelled as so many people can't make it so I'm starting Wednesday morning instead.
Luke, Rosie and Sparky have all been out enjoying the snow.
I spent the day spinning. I've started the lovely Plum Possum from FatCatKnits. I needed something which was a beautiful colour and I could just enjoy spinning. Its lovely. and still matches the cat.

I'm also pissed off because I really want to do some further studies, either in Literature or Anthropology. I'd love to do this course here but because its distance learning I can't get a Government loan to pay for it. I can't guarantee I'll ever be well enough to commit to a 3 yr course I have to drive to because of my fecking migraines ... saying that, I've only got another few modules to do to complete a degree from the Open University so I'll have to look into that again.
I just feel so demotivated at the moment. Everything is such an uphill struggle and its just going to be so humiliating if I get back to work and then have to go off sick again.
But I'm fed up with wallowing now so I'm gonna pop on over to Kiva and see if I can plan to give some loans once I get paid at end of February
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- I'm in shock. I went to the dentist to get my trou...
- I've started spinning up this lovely merino from S...
- Is is cruel to be trying to work out the micron co...
- this is a cowl I've made out of the handspun baby ...
- I'm lying in bed eating Pineapple Lumps, thanks to...
- I am being very indecisive about what to spin next...
- I finally got my latest yarn plyed tonight. Really...
- I managed to scare the life out of Mike yesterday ...
- I'm knitting up some handspun baby alpaca at the m...
- I actually made it back to work today. I was SO ne...
- I've been feeling really low this week which is no...