Managed to get some spinning done today for my swap partner and bought some more roving to ply it with. Its been really hard for me to decide on a colour to ply it with so fingers crossed I've chosen the right one.
I also received half a Mule sheep fleece in the post. Rosie almost fainted with delight when I opened it for a peek and gave it a through inspection. I've parceled it back up again until I can wash it properly. And I'm a bit scared of it truth be told lol.
Its been really, really wet here the last couple of days (weeks? months?). Luke's cousins came over to play this afternoon and they have kept themselves very busy with Lego and the Wii Fit. Rosie got a bath so she is all shiny and gorgeous. Sparky got flea'd so he is more pissed off than usual and stomping around rather than floating as normal.
I've been reading more about NZ colonial life - I read this book today out of the corner of my eye while supervising the kids. Its called
Station Life in New Zealand and is by Lady Barker. She sounds like she was a game old chook - you can read more about her life
here. She sure got about considering it was all by sailing ship. And theres me moaning about a 24 hour flight home.
I'm really hoping the rain stops as we're hoping to go to
Priddy Sheep Fair tomorrow. I wonder who in this family want to go to a sheep fair? ;0)
Apparently its been held since the 1300's and was moved from Wells because of the Black Death. I might try to convince the boys to go to Wells for a gander at the cathedral too. Luke loves cathedrals which is useful.