I'm going to make my niece some fingerless gloves. She had a good root round in my spinning box and decided she like this handspun yarn best. Good choice! (I love it too). Its not the best spun yarn tho'. one of my first efforts and is like barbed wire in places ...
I got this loveliness from Spindlefrog. Its SO not the colours I usually go for at all but its beautifully dyed as usual. I keep getting it out to make sure I still like it, which I do!
Its also Falkland fibre which I've not tried yet. I'm going to get some greyish pink or pale turquoise to ply it with I think. I can see socks in its future:

been feeling better today, no headache at least. thank god for hard (prescribed) drugs.
I rang the Dr today to see if she could give me a sick note without seeing me in person - she agreed she had seen quite enough of me lately and also disclosed that she'd had a cracking migraine for days. So I ended up advising her about painkillers and triptans lol! apparently one of the other Doctors and a nurse have been having bad migraines this week. Wonder whether its related to the cold weather system that has moved in this week?
I am obsessed with wearing my Serge Luten's Ambre Sultan perfume at the moment. I am a real SL fan. Its lovely on a cold day. I've got bell jar full that Mike bought me for my birthday. Its described as
'Essentially a classic amber scent enriched with powdery notes of vanilla, then coriander, oregano and myrtle lend sophistication. The base notes angelica root, sandalwood and patchouli leaves. The fragrance of the Moroccan souk'. I can cope with it when I am feeling ill.
When I have a cracking migraine I can only cope with SL's Louve 'the notes include almond, rose petals, fruity notes, jasmine petals, amber, musk and vanilla powder' This would be the only perfume I wore if it had more staying power - an hour on and its gone.
When I'm feeling really good and non-migrainey I wear SL's Tubereuse Criminelle. I adore the opening petrol note (I know I'm weird) and the tubereuse note is just gorgeous. I loved it so much from the sample I bought myself a bell jar for my birthday as couldn't wait for more of it! But you certainly have to love it and you know you're wearing it! ' Notes: tuberose, orange blossom, hyacinth, jasmine, musk, vanilla, styrax, nutmeg, clove'
Luke has been very busy making a big army base with papier mache. His cousin was over today and they sprayed lots of camoflague colours onto it. Mum's fibre supply came in very handy for making trees and bushes to hide the soldiers in.
Still spinning the fibre in previous post. Didn't spin anything today. I've been engrossed in the Intertwined book. It got some fabulous ideas in it. I'm thinking that perhaps I now want a drum carder to make lovely mixed fibre batts and stuff.